

in work | This version of the C4TSTIK wasn't released because it still has a few bugs which I haven't got round to sorting. I can't remember exactly, but apart from adding the LED control I think some of the ranges and curves needed adjusted. I also think the Mono/Poly mixing wasn't working properly.

I'm definitely going to do at least one more joystick module for BC Modular. It's possible some of the C4TSTIK might find it's way in there.

I've also got the C4T and it's [not so] little brother the KTN to finish so either a routing window version of the C4TSTIK or a modified version might be built-in to one or both of those. I had a few ideas to take that collection in a different direction and decided to hold off on it's development for a while until I get a clearer picture of what I want to do with it.

In the meantime BC Modular has more than kept me occupied. Whenever I feel I need a break from that, I'll probably come back to the C4T family...





